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All Hands In

The BCMA is the leading UK umbrella body for Complementary Medicine and represents many therapies – with approximately 60 Member organisations/schools/Colleges and clinics and still growing.  The BCMA is dedicated to promoting the best in Complementary Medicine.

A non-profit making organisation the BCMA works to protect your right to practice with autonomy and is uniquely lead by a volunteer council.

The benefits of membership include:

  • Professional status

  • Insurance at preferential rates

  • Client referrals

  • Website listing for registered members

  • Receive regular newsletters

  • Access to an advisory service

  • Certificate of registration

  • Subsidised calls to the office

  • Use of logo

  • Access to the member's area of the website

All this from just £40 per annum

Membership Categories

(click on each for a description, criteria and application forms)

For practitioner members who previously registered through the APNT

For CAM associations with practitioner memebers.

For fully qualified practitioners.

For therapy training providers.


For centres providing therapy treatments, with two or more therapists

Advertise your product/service/brand to our members with our endourcement

For graduates from our training schools/colleges

The information contained in this website is for the sole purpose of providing information to the public, this information cannot be copied, farmed for mass mailing purposes or used on any other website without the express permission of the BCMA.

Complimentary practitioners listed on this website are in no way meant to replace a doctor's care.


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