The BCMA do not sell insurance, however, we recommend that all therapy practitioners are properly insured, with a minimum cover of 5 million and all of your therapies covered (these should be listed individually on your insurance documents), to protect both yourself and your clients.
Caution should be used when looking at insurance companies offering cover without a minimum cover of at least 2 million and where they are not asking to see your qualifications and proof of training, and where they generalise on insurance certificates to 'complementary therapies' etc.

UK and Ireland Practitioner Insurance
The BCMA has been working with HIS for many years and if you are registered with the BCMA you can enjoy a discount on their very comprehensive insurance. Contact them directly with your BCMA registration number.
Non-BCMA registered therapists should contact them directly or visit our registration page to find out how to join our register to qualify for discounts along with our other benefits.
Holistic Insurance Services also provide Association, school and student insurance.
Contact HIS directly for more information

UK and Overseas Practitioner Insurance
Balens is well known throughout the CAM world for offering tailored insurance for practitioners, we are pleased to let you know that we can now offer overseas insurance to certain countries through Balens.
To find out more about Balens and what they can offer click on the links below​