I first became involved with the BCMA in 2002 at which time I was asked to design and build a website for the BCMA, I had no prior knowledge of CAM, my prior experience as an administrator in the Aero Engine business and subsequent jobs gave me no insight into this field. I had moved into website design from home while caring for my children a few years before. I learned website coding from books and found a flare and passion for website design.
After working with the then BCMA Chair on the website I was asked to take over the role of administrator, this is when my personal research began into the field of complementary therapies. As many of our members know I am the person you talk to on the phone or by email when you contact the BCMA therefore, I needed to have a basic knowledge of as many therapies as possible.
I have been privileged to work with many 'BCMA Teams' during my time as administrator, and it never ceases to amaze me that they are all so willing to share their knowledge and time for the BCMA and CAM in a volunteer capacity, each with passion and professionalism.
I continue to learn about Complementary therapies and do my best to answer enquiries promptly, our website, (recently redesigned), is used by many varied visitors; members of the public seeking a therapist or finding out about complementary therapies, therapists finding out more about CAM and training or associations looking for an umbrella of like minded people in the industry. Our practitioners are well trained and well supported and a pleasure for me to work with. I am very proud to be the BCMA administrator.
Tracy Smith

My holidays are spent 'away from it all' on the lovely island of Sol in Cape Verde just reading, relaxing and recharging.